Digital Badge

Digital Badge

Always Accessible

Never worry about losing your badge - ever. Your credential will always be present at its web address. If you've misplaced a credential link, retrieve all of your Accredible credentials at any time by entering your email.

Nutrition Specilist
Personal Trainer

Easily Share-able

You want to share your achievement. Accredible credentials let you showcase your achievement on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with one click.

Control Your Privacy

Take advantage of searchability and have your achievement be discoverable on search engines, or set it to private and share with only selected people. How and when you share your credential is up to you.

Certified Group Fitness Instructor

Give Context to Your Learning

Add “evidence items” by link or file upload to share your course notes, discussion forum contributions, quiz grades, essays, projects, personal reflections — anything that serves to prove what you have lea rned.

Print at Any Time

Easily print a high quality PDF of your badge, whenever you'd like.

Learning, Verified.

Your achievements can be verified at any time. Your badge on LinkedIn can be linked to your live credential so anyone, anywhere can see what you have achieved. A directory let's searchers quickly and definitively validate an Accredible credential.

Get References to Increase Credibility

Ask a peer, employer, or friend who can vouch for your learning to share a brief statement of support.

Portable and Exportable Achievements

Compatibility with Mozilla Open Badges means you can add badge to different backpacks. Embed your credential on your own website, in your email signature, save a PDF of your credential.